Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why Refrain from Riding in the Cold?

When I think of all of the reasons why not to ride in the colder months, it's a miracle we make it out at all.

But here's the number one:

Salient point? 15.7 mph average. Simply embarrassing. Not to mention the distance.

Two of my Brooklyn crew joined me for this torture, Jon "Colnago" and Todd The Sprinter, both veteran riders if not racers, as is the case with Todd.

42 degrees at the start with a windchill of 33. 21 mile per hour winds gusting up to 30. You might think on a loop it would mean the wind was at your back at least half the time. Nope. When it wasn't blowing directly in our faces, it was nearly blowing us over.

I had joked to the boys about taking it easy - that we really didn't want to exceed a 16 mph pace - but I didn't really expect this to be the truth.

But enough complaining - here's the good stuff: I saw two great friends and we chatted for an hour and a half. About bikes. About restaurants and food. About our Thanksgiving indulgences. Our shared misery made the ride all the more palatable. We got out on a day that might have otherwise been lost to a couch and a remote control, or worse yet, holiday shopping.

So Jeff - there is no hibernation. Just a change of pace. The pleasure remains, and in fact the comradery is an even more essential ingredient.

And for those of you who haven't yet enjoyed a "Steve Class" at Power 10 with Linda and company, I highly recommend it.


  1. Mark, couldn't agree with you more. Need to coax more of the crew to become kindred spirits.

    Steve and I enjoyed a lovely ride out East (no loops, but great roads with long unimpeded sections), and had a nice wind pushing us out, and then pummeling us to plodding, gasping, slobbering dilettantes on our way back. Thoroughly fulfilling.

  2. Awesome!!! Love the spirit...but are you sure that 15mph average had nothing to do with the fact you left your legs at Power 10!!!
    So glad you got a taste...what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!!!
